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 Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE.

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Moi =D
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Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. Empty
MessageSujet: Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE.   Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. EmptySam 1 Mai - 3:58

Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.

feat Taylor Kitsch

Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. 1037ejl

••• It's me

Nom : DAVIS♣️ Prénom : Shane ♣️ Age : 24ans ♣️ Date de naissance : l ♣️ Qualités : Malin - Loyal - Indépendant - Créatif- Séducteur♣️ Défauts : Têtu - Orgueilleux - Calculateur - Trop Franc ♣️ Profession: Peintre [Musique] ♣️ En savoir plus sur moi :

••• I need

    une relation sérieuse _______ une meilleure amie____ un meilleur ami___ des amis__des ennemis__ des exs____ des connaissances__ autres ?

Dernière édition par Shane Davis le Sam 1 Mai - 4:06, édité 4 fois
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Moi =D
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Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE.   Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. EmptySam 1 Mai - 4:00

Un lien te tenterait t'il ? (:
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Moi =D
▬ Relations:
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Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE.   Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. EmptySam 1 Mai - 4:00

Avec plaisir Very Happy
Tu as besoin de quoi? Tu as une idée peut-être ? (:
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Moi =D
▬ Relations:
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Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE.   Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. EmptySam 1 Mai - 4:03

Amis, Connaissance, Ex's, Ennemis, Je m'en fiche (:
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Moi =D
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Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE.   Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. EmptySam 1 Mai - 4:04

Vu que j'aime Kristen , ex et amis ? Ca te va ? (:
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Moi =D
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Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE.   Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. EmptySam 1 Mai - 4:05

Avec plaisir,
Ta besoin d'un scéna ?
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Moi =D
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Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE.   Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. EmptySam 1 Mai - 4:05

Non je déteste ça xD
Je t'ajoute (a)
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Moi =D
▬ Relations:
▬ Armes & Pouvoirs:

Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE.   Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. EmptySam 1 Mai - 4:07

D'accord et idem ;D
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Aleksandr Ivanov
Excorcise me.
† ▬   Excorcise me.
Aleksandr Ivanov

Moi =D
▬ Relations:
▬ Armes & Pouvoirs: Contrôler ton existence

Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE.   Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. EmptySam 1 Mai - 12:26

MOI 684467
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Moi =D
▬ Relations:
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Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE.   Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. EmptySam 1 Mai - 12:56

Yep , t'as une idée ? (:
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Auréa Eden

She burns like the sun.

Auréa Eden

Moi =D
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Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE.   Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. EmptySam 1 Mai - 19:36

Je souhaiterai un lien avec toi, si tu es d'accord Embarassed
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Moi =D
▬ Relations:
▬ Armes & Pouvoirs:

Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE.   Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. EmptySam 1 Mai - 21:22

Evidemment , une idée ? (:
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Aleksandr Ivanov
Excorcise me.
† ▬   Excorcise me.
Aleksandr Ivanov

Moi =D
▬ Relations:
▬ Armes & Pouvoirs: Contrôler ton existence

Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE.   Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. EmptyDim 2 Mai - 0:11

Je te laisse me proposer tu vois ma personnalité :)
Mais je ne m'attache pas donc je pourrais me servir de toi pour un but précis ?
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Moi =D
▬ Relations:
▬ Armes & Pouvoirs:

Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE.   Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. EmptyDim 2 Mai - 0:36

Ok , alors connaissances ?
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Aleksandr Ivanov
Excorcise me.
† ▬   Excorcise me.
Aleksandr Ivanov

Moi =D
▬ Relations:
▬ Armes & Pouvoirs: Contrôler ton existence

Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE.   Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. EmptyDim 2 Mai - 11:16

On peut dire que je me sers de toi comme peintre donc à domicile contre une grosse somme d"argent et si tu veux , pour palpiter un peu les choses , un jour tu aurais entendu une conversation assez importante sur moi ainsi que des collègues. Depuis ce genre je te demande fréquemment des services pouvant te mettre en danger ?
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Moi =D
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Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE.   Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. EmptyDim 2 Mai - 11:46

Et la personne avec Aleksandr pourrait être moi :)
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Auréa Eden

She burns like the sun.

Auréa Eden

Moi =D
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Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE.   Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. EmptyDim 2 Mai - 21:40

Une relation d'amitié si tu veux bien. étant donné que tu es un peintre et j' aime beaucoup tout ce qui touche a l'art, il y aurai un certain feeling (: enfin si tu as une autre idée ?
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Moi =D
▬ Relations:
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Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE.   Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. EmptyLun 3 Mai - 21:36

OK Vlad' :)
Auréa : Amis ? :)
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Aleksandr Ivanov
Excorcise me.
† ▬   Excorcise me.
Aleksandr Ivanov

Moi =D
▬ Relations:
▬ Armes & Pouvoirs: Contrôler ton existence

Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE.   Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. EmptyLun 3 Mai - 21:57

Donc tout marche Smile
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Auréa Eden

She burns like the sun.

Auréa Eden

Moi =D
▬ Relations:
▬ Armes & Pouvoirs:

Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE.   Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. EmptyLun 3 Mai - 23:30

Amis ;D
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Moi =D
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Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE.   Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. EmptyVen 7 Mai - 20:18

Un petit lien?
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Moi =D
▬ Relations:
▬ Armes & Pouvoirs:

Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE.   Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. EmptySam 8 Mai - 20:13

Ex ou Conquetes, sa te tente ?
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Moi =D
▬ Relations:
▬ Armes & Pouvoirs:

Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE.   Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. EmptyDim 9 Mai - 17:03

Un lien ?
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Moi =D
▬ Relations:
▬ Armes & Pouvoirs:

Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE.   Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. EmptyDim 9 Mai - 17:29

Moi aussi je veux! Taylor K. choui
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Aleksandr Ivanov
Excorcise me.
† ▬   Excorcise me.
Aleksandr Ivanov

Moi =D
▬ Relations:
▬ Armes & Pouvoirs: Contrôler ton existence

Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE.   Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. EmptyDim 9 Mai - 17:49

T'as pas intérêt à demander un lien "intime" :E
Ou je te destroy chérie Wink
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Contenu sponsorisé

Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE.   Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE. Empty

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Good things in life are hard to find ▬ SHANE.

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